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Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Botanical name: Allium sativum


© Steven Foster

Parts used and where grown

Garlic has been used since time immemorial as a culinary spice and medicinal herb. Garlic has been cultivated in the Middle East for more than 5,000 years and has been an important part of Traditional Chinese Medicine. The region with the largest commercial garlic production is central California. China is also a supplier of commercial garlic. The bulb is used medicinally.

Garlic has been used in connection with the following conditions (refer to the individual health concern for complete information):

Science Ratings Health Concerns


Warts (topical application)


BPH (Kastamonu Garlic)

Breast-feeding support

Colon cancer (reduces risk of stomach, esophageal, and colon cancers)

Common cold

High blood pressure

High cholesterol

High triglycerides

Intermittent claudication


Athlete’s foot

Chronic candidiasis

Ear infections (recurrent)

HIV support



Peptic ulcer

Sickle cell anemia

3Stars Reliable and relatively consistent scientific data showing a substantial health benefit.
2Stars Contradictory, insufficient, or preliminary studies suggesting a health benefit or minimal health benefit.
1Star For an herb, supported by traditional use but minimal or no scientific evidence. For a supplement, little scientific support and/or minimal health benefit.

Historical or traditional use (may or may not be supported by scientific studies)

Garlic is mentioned in the Bible and the Talmud. Hippocrates, Galen, Pliny the Elder, and Dioscorides all mention the use of garlic for many conditions, including parasites, respiratory problems, poor digestion, and low energy. Its use in China was first mentioned in A.D. 510. Louis Pasteur studied the antibacterial action of garlic in 1858.


Active constituents

The sulfur compound allicin, produced by crushing or chewing fresh garlic or by taking powdered garlic products with allicin potential, in turn produces other sulfur compounds: ajoene, allyl sulfides, and vinyldithiins.1 Aged garlic products lack allicin, but may have activity due to the presence of S-allylcysteine.

Many publications have shown that garlic supports the cardiovascular system. While earlier trials suggest it may mildly lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood,2 3 4 more recent trials found garlic to have minimal success in lowering cholesterol and triglycerides.5 6 7 Garlic also inhibits platelet stickiness (aggregation) and increases fibrinolysis,8 which results in a slowing of blood coagulation. It is mildly antihypertensive9 and has antioxidant activity.10

Garlic’s cardiovascular protective effects were illustrated in a four-year clinical trial on people 50–80 years old with atherosclerosis.11 It was found that consumption of 900 mg of a standardized garlic supplement reduced arterial plaque formation by 5–18%. The benefits were most notable in women.

In test tube studies garlic has been found to have antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal activity.12 However, these actions are less clear in humans and do not suggest that garlic is a substitute for antibiotics or antifungal medications.

Human population studies suggest that eating garlic regularly reduces the risk of esophageal, stomach, and colon cancer.13 14 This may be partly due to garlic’s ability to reduce the formation of carcinogenic compounds.


How much is usually taken?

People who wish to consume garlic and have no aversion to its odor can chew from one to two whole cloves of raw garlic daily. For those who prefer it with less odor, enteric-coated tablets or capsules with approximately 1.3% allin are available. Clinical trials have used 600–900 mg (delivering approximately 5,000–6,000 mcg of allicin potential) per day in two or three divided amounts.15 16 Aged-garlic extracts have been studied in amounts ranging from 2.4–7.2 grams per day.


Are there any side effects or interactions?

Many people enjoy eating garlic. However, some people who are sensitive to it may experience heartburn and flatulence. Because of garlic’s anti-clotting properties, people taking anticoagulant drugs should check with their doctor before taking garlic.17 Those scheduled for surgery should inform their surgeon if they are taking garlic supplements. Garlic appears to be safe during pregnancy and breast-feeding. In fact, two studies have shown that babies like breast milk better from mothers who eat garlic.18 19

Are there any drug interactions?
Certain medicines may interact with garlic. Refer to drug interactions for a list of those medicines.


Atasi Dengan Bahan Alami

Keluhan kesehatan yang ringan tak selalu harus diatasi dengan obat.
Kita bisa kembali ke alam untuk menemukan solusi yang tepat. Mulai
dari bau mulut, cegukan, hingga luka bakar.

Meredakan sakit tenggorokan
Sakit tenggorokan kerap membuat kita sulit bicara dan menelan makanan.
Sembuhkan dengan bawang putih. Caranya, berkumurlah dengan segelas air
hangat yang sudah dicampur dengan 6 siung bawang putih yang sudah
dihancurkan. Lakukan selama 3 hari.

Dr.Ronald Hoffman, MD, direktur medik Hoffman Center, New York,
menyatakan bahwa bawang putih, terutama yang segar, sangat ampuh
membunuh bakteri. Menurut penulis Alternative Cures That Really Work
ini, hal ini dikarenakan bawang putih mengandung semacam antibiotik.

Menyembuhkan cegukan
Cegukan tidak hanya diakibatkan karena kita tersedak makanan, tetapi
juga bisa oleh stres. Ketika stres, hormon kortisol masuk ke dalam
darah, menyebabkan diafragma menjadi tegang dan otot di sekitar pita
suara berkontraksi. Akibatnya, kita jadi cegukan.

Cara termudah untuk meredakannya adalah dengan menelan 1-2 sendok teh
gula pasir. Butiran gula pasir mampu merelakskan saraf yang tegang.
Sebagai pengganti gula juga bisa menggunakan garam. Tetapi, gula
merupakan pilihan yang baik karena rasanya manis.

Mengatasi luka bakar
Untuk mendinginkan luka akibat minyak panas, oleskan gel yagn didapat
dari dalam bagian dalam daun lidah buaya ke bagian kulit yang luka.
Menurut dr.Mochtar Wijayakusuma, lidah buaya mengandung polisakandra
dan alpaktin B yang berkhasiat menyembuhkan luka bakar ringan dan
mencegah infeksi.

Menghilangkan bau mulut
Berkumurlah dengan secangkir kecil perasan lemon. Setelah itu,
makanlah yogurt tawar yang mengandung bakteri lactobacillus. Selain
menghilangkan bau mulut, bakteri jenis ini juga memiliki manfaat
tambahan, yaitu dapat memelihara kesehatan saluran pencernaan dan
mencegah sembelit. Kombinasi lemon dan yogurt sangat efektif untuk
menetralisir bau mulut dalam waktu yang relatif cepat. Bahkan,
manfaatnya dapat bertahan hingga 12-24 jam setelah pemakaian.

Melemaskan otot kaku
Sirkulasi darah dan cairan getah bening yang tidak lancar dapat
menyebabkan otot terasa sakit dan kaku. Jika ini terjadi, mandilah
dengan air panas selama 20 menit dan air dingin 10 menit secara
bergantian, saran Laurie Steelsmith, penulis Choices for Women's

Siraman air panas di tubuh kita mampu melebarkan pembuluh darah.
Sedangkan air dingin berfungsi untuk menciutkan pembuluh darah.
Selesai mandi, kita akan merasakan aliran darah lancar kembali.

Menyembuhkan insomnia
Insomnia atau sulit tidur dapat menyebabkan kesehatan kita terganggu.
Untuk menyembuhkannya, makanlah segenggam buah ceri sebelum tidur.
Ceri mengandung melatonin, yaitu hormon yang menyebabkan kita
mengantuk. Setelah menyantap ceri, mandilah menggunakan air panas
untuk melemaskan otot-otot tubuh. Kemudian, nyalakan aromaterapi
lavender. Harum bunga lavender akan membuat tidur kita semakin
nyenyak."Linda Pickwick

Sumber : Prevention Indonesia



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