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Thursday, December 11, 2008

Phaleria macrocarpa, The God's Crown

Phaleria macrocarpa, The God's Crown
Glistening from its tree, this shiny red fruit invites the forbidden. It lures with a sense of ripeness, an urgency to be plucked from its branches and eaten. But stop! Refrain from this intention because the possibility of poisoning or even death may await.

The bounty of the rainforest is often a mystery with a plethora of medical qualities hidden beneath the towering canopy of indigenous foliage. This is one kind of fruit that is a medical wonder, which was been taken from the forest about four centuries ago.

Mahkota Dewa (Macrocarpa phaleria) means 'God's Crown', a plant from the family of Thymelaeaceae. The name given to this fruit implies that it descends from heaven, as a benediction from divinity to help mankind. God's Crown is an indigenous plant from the island of Papua (Irian Jaya) located in the far east of the Indonesian archipelago.

In Papua Nugini, which is situated in the east of Papua, more specifically in the area of Maprik about a 2.5 hour journey from the town of Wewak, a God's Crown tree was founded, about nine meters in height, bearing fruit on every branch. Some of the local residents when asked what Mahkota Dewa was used for, reported that the tree is only decorative and its fruit extremely poisonous. The same answer was given to another journalist from Kompas daily newspaper that happened to come across a similar tree in a village near Timika. It's quite ironic that the local people know nothing of this fruit that is currently being sourced by outsiders to heal many kinds of disease.

Centuries ago samples of the Mahkota Dewa tree were once transported from the island of Papua by traditional Javanese medicine men and planted in the palace grounds of Solo and Jogyakarta. These men of wisdom had apparently developed a particular way of processing the poisonous fruit to make it a useful healing source. But knowledge of this medicine remained secret and age-old recipes were kept within the walls of the Javanese palaces for generations before news finally filtered out. The Javanese referred to this fruit as 'Makuto Dewo' and Chinese herbalists named it 'Pau', the patrimony drug.

Now this plant is no longer the secret property of a wise circle of healers. Due to its economic value and medicinal benefits, many have started to cultivate the Mahkota Dewa in their home compounds. The tree grows with ease and does not require any special treatment or handling. It can grow in areas from 0 - 1000 meters above sea level; can reach 5 meters in height and effortlessly produces ample flowers that eventually develop as fruit.

After planting seeds it only takes one year before fragrant flowers appear that in due course transform into green coloured young fruit. In a maturing process the fruit then become a dazzling red tone in shapes that range from a ping-pong ball to apple size in appearance. For those not familiar with the Mahkota Dewa, its fruit can be quite alluring and flourishes within convenient reach all over the tree, down the trunk and the branch armpits.

The entire component of the crop, seeds, fruit, leaves and branches all contain medicinal properties. The Mahkota Dewa can be utilized as single drug and or mixed with other herbs to strengthen its effects and to neutralize its poison. Although Mahkota tastes rather sweet, it is most important to remember that it cannot be consumed direct or prior to medical processing. It is a highly poisonous plant that can be fatal.

However, there is a certain technique to make it safe for traditional medicinal consumption. The immature green fruit as well as the ripened red fruit can be shredded and sun-dried. Take one tablespoon (no more) of this dried shredded flesh and mix it with a glass of boiling hot water to make a beverage infusion. It is believed that the flesh of the Mahkota Dewa fruit contains the anti-oxidant compounds that fight cancer. This is not recommended for pregnant women as consumption of this non-prescribed alternative medicine can endanger the unborn fetus.

Mahkota Dewa is often used as a therapeutic healing alternative for an assortment of diseases. Healing time varies depending on the patient's body weight and severity of the ailment. A chronic disease such as cancer requires approximately eight months curing time with dosage is two tablespoons of dried shredded flesh in a glass of hot water. If the condition shows sign of improvement the dosage is lessened.

Mahkota Dewa is believed to cure other diseases and health ailments such as high blood pressure, impotency, insomnia, influenza, rheumatism, allergies, heart disease, bladder complaints, uric acid and liver problems. However it is important that this traditional medicine is not consumed without prior consultation with a recommended herbalist.

REference by -bijanto-: Mar 2 2006, 02:07 AM

(Phaleria Macrocarpa) Mengenal Mahkota Dewa

(Phaleria Macrocarpa)

Mengenal Mahkota Dewa

Termasuk famili Thymelaece. Batang utama bercabang-cabang setinggi 1,5-2,5m, daunnya tunggal berbentuk lonjong, berujung lancip. Buahnya bulat, warnanya merah tua jika matang. Tanaman dari Irian ini tumbuh subur pada ketinggian 10-1.200m dpl.

Khasiat dan Kandungan

Ekstrak daging buahnya berkhasiat sebagai antihistamin, antialergi, bersifat sitotoksik terhadap sel kanker rahim, bersifat hapatoprotektif. Juga menurunkan kadar gula darah, antioksidan, menurunkan kadar asam urat.

Alkaloid, senyawa organic berfungsi sebagai detoksifikasi, menetralisir racun-racun di dalam tubuh.

Saponin merupakan fitonutrien, sering disebut “deterjen alam”. Senyawa ini bersifat antibakteri dan antivirus. Juga meningkatkan system kekebalan tubuh, meningkatkan daya tahan, mengurangi kadar gula darah, mengurangi penggumpalan darah.

Flavonoid berindikasi antiperadangan dan mencegah pertumbuhan kanker. Polifenol berfungsi sebagai antihistamin. Zat lain adalah tannin, sterol, terpen.

Hasil Penelitian

Dra. Lucie Widowati dari Puslitbang Farmasi dan Obat Tradisional-Depertemen Kesehatan. “Saya meneliti mahkota dewa dari tahun 2003,”ujar Lucie. Hasilnya menunjukkan, biji mahkora dewa sangat toksik. Sementara buahnya tidak. Lucie juga menyimpulkan zat dalam buah mehkota dewa meliputi alkaloid, tanin, saponin,, flavonoid, polifenol.

Dalam abstraksi laporannya, Lucie menyebutkan buah mahkota dewa bersifat sitotoksik terhadap sel kanker rahim (sel HeLa) dan sel leukemia. Menurunkan kadar gula darah, menurunkan asam urat. Bersifat antioksidan sebagai scavenger radikal bebas. Juga menurunkan kadar asam urat.

Laporan itu juga mengungkapkan hasil penelitian Vivi Lisdayati dari Departemen Farmasi, Fakultas MIPA UI. “Riset Vivi menyebutkan kalau mahkota dewa dapat menghambat pertumbuhan kanker darah putih sebesar 50% pada larva udang.”

Sedangkan Sumastuti dari Fakultas Kedokteran UGM yang melakukan uji bioassay terhadap sel kanker rahim menarik kesimpulan awal. Ekstrak air buah mahkota dewa dapat menghambat pertumbuhan sel HeLa (sel kanker rahim) dengan Inhibitory Concentration (IC50) sebesar 196,74 mg/ml pada sel kanker orang.

Uji khasiat mahkota dewa sebagai penurun kadar gula darah, juga dilakukan Lucie. Ia menggunakan ekstrak etanol 70% buah mahkota dewa. Hasilnya, pada dosis 110mg/200g bb, kadar gula darah pada tikus bakal menurun.

Untuk melihat pengaruh mahkota dewa terhadap kadar asam urat, Lucie mencatat hasil penelitian Endah Hasturani dari Fakultas Farmasi, Universitas Sanata Dharma pada 2003. penelitian pada ayam jantan jenis lohman brown umur 2-4 bulan. Hasilnya, perasan daging mahkota dewa punya efek antihiperuresemia, dengan dosis tengah 13,16g/kg bb. Jadi dengan dosis diatas kadar asam urat sudah bisa turun.

Untuk menganalisa khasiat mahkota dewa mengatasi eksem, gatal-gatal, penyakit kulit karena alergi, Sumastuti melakukan uji efek antihistamin dengan ekstrak air daun dan buah mahkota dewa. Hewan percobaan dipilih marmot. Hasilnya pemberian 0,5 ml ekstrak dengan konsentrasi 6,25; 12,5; 25; 50; dan 100% dapat mengurangi kontraksi ileum marmot akibat histamine.

Sumber : Majalah Flona Edisi 27/II-mei 2005 hal 13,14 dan 23





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Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Herbal tea

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

An herbal tea, tisane, or ptisan is an herbal infusion made from anything other than the leaves of the tea bush (Camellia sinensis).

The English word "tisane" originated from the Greek word πτισάνη (ptisanē), a drink made from pearl barley. Strictly speaking, the name 'herbal teas' is a misnomer, as they are not made with real tea (Camellia sinensis), but by infusing other plants. In some countries (but not in the United States) the use of the word tea is legally[citation needed] restricted to infusions of Camellia sinensis (the tea plant).

[edit] Composition

Herbal teas can be made with fresh or dried flowers, leaves, seeds or roots, generally by pouring boiling water over the plant parts and letting them steep for a few minutes. Seeds and roots can also be boiled on a stove that does not use LPG. The tisane is then strained, sweetened if so desired, and served. Many companies produce herbal tea bags for such infusions.

On the other hand, flavoured teas are prepared by adding other plants to an actual tea (black, oolong, green, yellow, or white tea); for example, the popular Earl Grey tea is black tea with bergamot, jasmine tea is Chinese tea with jasmine flowers, and genmaicha is a Japanese green tea with toasted rice.

[edit] Varieties
Varieties of herbal infusions include:
* Anise tea, made from either the seeds or the leaves.
* Artichoke tea, with purported health benefits .[1]
* Roasted barley, known in Japanese as mugicha and Korean as bori cha. The roasted flavor can be reminiscent of coffee (without coffee's bitterness and caffeine). It is often drunk cold in the summer.
* Bee Balm
* Bissap, consumed in the Sahel.
* Boldo, used in South America to calm upset stomachs.
* Cannabis, used in the preparation of Bhang.
* Che Dang, very bitter tea made from Ilex causue leaves.
* Cinnamon
* Catnip tea is used as a relaxant, sedative, and to calm.
* Cerasse, a bitter Jamaican herb [2]
Dried chamomile blossoms with bits of dried apple and cinnamon, to be used for tea
* Chamomile tea is used as a sedative. In Beatrix Potter's The Tale of Peter Rabbit, Peter's mother gives him chamomile tea.
* Chrysanthemum tea, made from dried flowers, is popular with Chinese Dim sum.
* Citrus peel, including bergamot, lemon and orange peel.
* Roasted corn, known in Korea as oksusu cha (옥수수차)
* Dill tea, often consumed to ease upset stomach.
* Echinacea tea, often consumed to prevent or alleviate the cold or flu symptoms.
* Essiac tea, a blended herbal tea.
* Fennel Traditional weightloss herb, good to ease visionary problems.
* Gentian
* Ginger root
Ginsengtea is a (relatively) powerful stimulant and can be used as a coffee substitute.

* Ginseng
* Hibiscus (often blended with rose hip), a popular tea alternative in the Middle East which is drunk hot or cold. Hibiscus tea is also consumed in Okinawa, where the natives associate Hibiscus tea with longevity. (See Bissap)
* Honeybush is related to rooibos and grows in a similar area of South Africa, but tastes slightly sweeter.
* Horehound
* Jiaogulan
* Kapor tea, dried leaves of fireweed.
* Kava root, from the South Pacific, is popular for its effects in promoting talkativeness and relaxation.
* Kuding, a bitter tisane found in Chinese herbal medicine and used to thin blood and reduce blood pressure
* Labrador tea, made from the shrub by the same name, found in the northern part of North America.
* Lapacho (also known as Taheebo) is the inner-lining of the bark (or cambium) of the Red or Purple Lapacho Tree which grows in the Brazilian jungles. It is boiled to make an infusion with many and varied health benefits.
* Lemon Balm
* Lemon grass
* Licorice root
* Lime blossom, dried flowers of lime tree (Tilia in Latin).
* Lotus flower, from the stamens of Nelumbo nucifera (as in Vietnamese trà sen).
* Mate (or yerba mate) is a shrub grown mainly Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil from which a caffeinated, tea-like brew is prepared.
* Mate de coca (sometimes called "coca tea"), made from coca leaves. Authentic mate de coca contains very small amounts of cocaine and similar alkaloids. In some countries where coca is illegal, products marketed as "coca tea" are supposed to be decocainized, i.e., the pharmacologically active components have been removed.
* Mint, especially peppermint (also mixed with green tea to make mint tea)
* European mistletoe (Viscum Album), (steep in cold water for 2-6 hours)
* Mountain Tea, a very popular tea in the Balkans and other areas of the Mediterranean region. Made from a variety of the Sideritis syriaca plant which grows in warm climates above 3000 feet. The tea (or more properly tisane) has a reputation as a cure-all, but is specifically used against colds. Records of its use date back 2000 years.
* Neem leaf
* Nettle leaf
* Pennywort leaf, in Southeast Asia
* Red raspberry leaf
* Scorched rice, known as hyeonmi cha in Korea
* Rooibos (Red Bush) is a reddish plant used to make an infusion and grown in South Africa. In the US it is sometimes called red tea. It has many of the antioxidant benefits of green tea, but because it does not come from tea leaves, it has no caffeine.
* Rose hip (often blended with hibiscus)
* Rosemary Memory herb.
* Sage
* Sassafras
* Skullcap
* Sobacha
* Staghorn Sumac
* Stevia can be used to make herbal tea, or as a sweetener in other tisanes.
* Sugarcane drink, in Asia
* Thyme Antiseptic, used in lysterine.
* Tulsi
* Uncaria tomentosa, commonly known as Cats Claw
* Valerian Sedative.
* Verbena (Vervains)
* Vetiver
* Roasted wheat is used in Postum, a coffee substitute.
* Wong Logat a medicinal tea with several herbs
* Wax gourd in East Asia and Southeast Asia.
* Woodruff
* Yarrow
* Yerba Mate Popular in South America. Scientific name Ilex paraguariensis.
* Yuen Kut Lam Kam Wo Tea Composed of thirty Chinese herbs, made in Hong Kong.
* Tan Ngan Lo Medicated Tea a herbal concoction formulated by a Chinese immigrant from mainland China in the early 20th century, made in Malaysia.

Mahkota Dewa the best healer for Desease

Mahkota Dewa the best healer for Desease
Mahkota Dewa or phaleria macrocarpa is been trusted to cure diseases. This plant came from Java island, but nowadays are cultivated in North Sumatera. Because of the potential, Nuraini is the one who believe that mahkota dewa in North Sumatera in better than in Java Island or Jogjakarta. Comparing the north Sumatera’s mahkota dewa and Javanese’ mahkota dewa, “mahkota dewa which came from jogja the fruit is hollow, then which coming from north sumatera is firm,” She said.

Nuraini was getting close into the business of mahkota dewa since four years ago. Because of her husband’s disease then become the background of this business, for she thought that she could earn less money for her husband’s medication then she choose the alternative way of medication. She and her husband were consuming mahkota dewa and it was effectively proof, her husband’s diabetic was amazingly decreased.

Moreover, after nuraini get realize about the business opportunity for mahkota dewa, she also wants to help the sick and poor people who cannot get medication for its expenses. For that, she tried to breed this pant and she use her field which about 1.000 m2.

To get the mahkota dewa seed, she particularly orders the fresh fruit from jogjakarta. Beside, after one year remains, this fruit is already been produce. Then, continuously she gains the plants for over 120 plants in around of her house.

To make it the harvest easier, she always cut the plant for not over than 1,5 meters. She produces mahkota dewa for whole years, in every month, she collects it for almost 40 kg or 8 kg of dried fruit.

Mahkota dewa is kind of plant that easy to be cultivated. The seedling seed that ready to be planted is placed in the hole with 2 kg of manure. She uses manure for it easy to get, while in her village in the district of sari rejo. Regency of Medan polonia, there are many cows livestock. About the treatment, Nuraini is easily doing because of this plant is easy to grow. At least it needs more watering in summer time, at one year of growing it ready to produce.

The only pest for this plant is Ant, but it can directly managed by insecticide.

Nuraini told that when this fruit is getting old with the tinged of red, it start to collect then make into process. These fruits are sliced very thin then dry it in the sun. In very hot days, the dried is only needs for 3 days. After the color become dark brown, then the dried fruit get into the wrap in plastic for half of ounces with the price of Rp.10.000

The benefits of this fruit are believed to cure cancer, diabetic, heart disease, hypertension, or ejaculation.

After mahkota dewa, Nuraini also try to cultivate Murbei extract. She believe that murbei extract can heal migraine, toothache, diabetic, rheumatic, to reduce the cholesterol and other diseases.

God's Crown (Phaleria Macrocarpa) MAHKOTA DEWA (Indonesian Name) A powerful anti-oxidant that fights cancer and tumors

God's Crown
(Phaleria Macrocarpa)
MAHKOTA DEWA (Indonesian Name)
A powerful anti-oxidant that fights cancer and tumors

Since before written history, tradition has it that the people of Indonesia have used the fruit and leaves of the tree Mahkota Dewa (literally God’s Crown) to counter cancer, tumors and several other diseases.

Its action against cancer has been confirmed in 2005 in research in Osaka, Japan where it was shown enhance the front-line defense blood cells against cancer and against human cervical cancer cells in the Pharmacology Laboratory of the leading Indonesian University at Yogyakarta. This is part of the growing evidence that backs up the experience of centuries of users in Indonesia.
You should take the capsules of concentrated extract of God’s Crown for:
bullets Defense against cancer and tumors
bullets Treatment of cancers and tumors
bullets Powerful anti-oxidant
bullets Vascular problems and prevent hardening of the arteries
bullets Diabetes – blood sugar content adjustment
bullets Prevent and treat heart disease and hypertension
bullets Reduce excess cholesterol and lipid in the blood

The treatment of “silent inflammation” is another major function of this broad spectrum herb. But the unnoticed inflammation from which most of us suffer is the precursor of cancer and a lot of other chronic diseases, the so-called “lifestyle diseases that kill so many people before their time in Western societies.
Click on the picture for more info

People are often surprised at the wide range of protection and treatment that can be obtained by such herbs.

The anti-oxidant action helps overcome the silent inflammation, and takes out the free radicals that case damage to our cells, and cause the early aging effect that many people blame on stress, pollution and other Western lifestyle factors.

All the progress in medical science seems powerless to protect us against the scourge of cancer, and the epidemic of diabetes. Despite the many advances, cancer now kills about a third of us, and heart disease another third (US statistics 2002). Both were almost unknown 100 years ago. Here at last, we have something we can use to take care of our needs for protection against the often fatal hammer blows of these diseases. We can take control.

Reference: Tree Of Wellness

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