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Friday, June 26, 2009

Carrots Must Be Cooked Whole to Preserve Anti-Cancer Properties?

WEDNESDAY, June 17, (News Locale) - Carrots have always been recommended foods as far as sharpening vision is concerned. Now researchers at the University of Newcastle Upon Tyne in the UK are suggesting that cooking carrots without slicing them may confer anti-cancer protection.

The active anti-cancer ingredient in carrots is called as falcarinol. This compound is a naturally occurring sugar, which possess considerable anti-cancer properties and also confers the slight sweet taste on the vegetable.

Researchers found in lab experiments that dicing or slicing carrots for cooking reduced the level of this compound by at least a quarter. "By cooking carrots whole and chopping them up afterwards, you are locking in both taste and nutrients so the carrot is better for you all round," said lead researcher Dr Kirsten Brandt, of the Newcastle University's School of Agriculture, Food and Rural Development.

Dr Brandt was assisted by researcher Ahlam Rashed in this study. Dr Brandt had earlier worked with colleagues at the University of Southern Denmark and had found the anti-cancer properties contained in carrots by virtue of the falcarinol content.

In a study on lab mice, this group of researchers found that a diet of carrots or falcarinol prevented the development of full scale tumours in these animals. They were one-third less likely to develop these tumours as compared to a control group, who were not fed carrots.

The research team then turned their attention to the way carrots are cooked and found that dicing or slicing "increases the surface area so more of the nutrients leach out into the water while they are cooked.”

Dr Brandt also said they tested out the taste of whole carrots in ten people and found most of them liked whole carrots rather than pre-chopped ones."The great thing about this is it's a simple way for people to increase their uptake of a compound we know is good for you," Dr Brandt explained.

The details of this study are due to be presented at NutrEvent, a conference on nutrition and health that is to be held in France.

Carrots are mainly consumed for their β-carotene content, which is metabolised into vitamin A in humans and is very useful for protecting vision. The vegetable is also rich in dietary fibre, antioxidants, minerals, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B6, vitamin C, vitamin K, biotin, potassium and thiamine. Carrot juice is a recommended health drink as well.
reference : web

wortel bisa melawan kanker

20/06/2009 14:43 | Kanker, London: Senyawa anti kanker yang terkandung di dalam wortel meningkat 25 persen jika wortel tersebut dimasak secara utuh ketimbang dipotong-potong terlebih dulu. Demikian hasil penelitian para ilmuwan dari Universitas Newcastle, Inggris, yang dikemukakan baru-baru ini.

"Memotong-motong wortel akan membuka bagian permukaan sehingga banyak nutrisi yang hilang di dalam air ketika wortel dimasak," kata ketua tim peneliti Kirsten Brandt.

Menurut Brandt, rasa wortel juga menjadi lebih lezat karena lebih banyak kandungan gula yang tertahan. "Dengan memasaknya secara utuh dan baru memotongnya kemudian, Anda mempertahankan rasa dan nutrisinya," ujar Brandt. Hasil tes terhadap 100 orang yang ditutup matanya adalah sebanyak 80 persen memilih rasa dari wortel yang dimasak utuh lebih enak.

Sekitar empat tahun silam, Brandt bersama dengan rekan-rekannya dari Universitas Denmark, menemukan khasiat unsur falcarinol yang terkandung di dalam wortel. Yakni sebagai senyawa yang dapat melawan kanker.(Reuters/LUC)





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Thursday, June 4, 2009

10 Best Natural Teeth Whitening Tips-Nurse's Guide

10 Best Natural Teeth Whitening Tips-Nurse's Guide

Author : Helen Hecker

In the past when you wanted white teeth you would have to go to your dentist because that was the only way to get teeth whitening, usually with corrosive tooth bleach. Although bleach preparations have improved they can still be harsh. Today there are many ways to whiten your teeth; however most of them involve dangerous chemicals that may be able to seep through the delicate tissues in your mouth, under the tongue. You can avoid the potential problems, from whitening your teeth, that you might get from chemical exposure through tooth bleaching and whitening products, kits, strips, gels and systems.

There are a few natural ways to whiten your teeth or prevent them from discoloring and a form of natural bleaching in some cases. In this article I'll list a few tips for natural treatments you can do at home.

1. First of all the obvious one of making regular appointments for cleaning your teeth is first on the list. Many people let this slide but it's important to not only get on a regular schedule with the dentist's office setting up future appointments but also having them call and remind you to come in. Once you get on a schedule of once or twice a year then you will find you don't need to worry about whiter teeth as often, except if you smoke.

2. Make sure to brush and floss your teeth at least twice a day. Make sure to floss at bedtime and use a cheap gum massager to get under the gum flap. You want to prevent the buildup of plaque, which can discolor your teeth. Focusing on your teeth will help you prevent some staining of your teeth.

You want to avoid getting plaque as much as possible. Carry floss with you. And floss discreetly when eating out. At home you can floss while you watch TV if you seem to not get around to it after meals. But make sure to floss at bedtime because you have six to nine hours or more while you're sleeping when the bacteria can go to work on the enamel. Make sure to rinse your mouth after eating.

3. Avoid drinking water with any added fluoride or using toothpaste with fluoride as it's been reported that it can discolor or stain your teeth. Also many other countries have banned fluoride in their drinking water due to diseases and symptoms that have been connected with it.

4. If you smoke try to cut down as much as possible and of course it s better for your health to Quit Smoking altogether as you no doubt know. Smokers have a more difficult time keeping their teeth white than non-smokers so you may have to work harder at it.

5. Coffee and tea are notorious for causing teeth staining. Make sure to sip or rinse your mouth with water while you're drinking coffee or tea and after you're done. Colas and wine can also cause stains on the teeth.

6. Some fruits such as strawberries are excellent tooth whiteners. Strawberries can be rubbed on the teeth or mashed up in a paste and brushed on. Leave on the teeth for five minutes. Rinse well.

You can use the inside of an orange peel which is also good for whitening. You can rub the peel right on your teeth, or take organic dried orange peel and ground bay leaves and make a paste and brush it on. Some people swear by a lemon juice and salt mixture too. In any case make sure to rinse your mouth well after using these natural tooth whitening treatments.

7. Baking soda has long been used for dental whitening. Many types of toothpaste have baking soda in their ingredients because of its effectiveness. You can make your own baking soda whitener though. Just mix baking soda with a little salt - a good cheap teeth whitening home remedy.

8. Avoid using mouthwashes. Besides alcohol they contain other chemicals that can stain or discolor teeth. They can easily absorb through the delicate tissues under your tongue and be absorbed into your system. One well-known mouthwash was reported recently to actually discolor the teeth with brown stains.

9. Drinks lots of water. Rinse your mouth thoroughly after every meal or snack to make sure no food residue is sticking to your teeth.

10. Try to eat a better diet with lots of raw foods - fruits and veggies. Make huge salads. Avoid fast food and processed food as much as possible. Avoid constant snacking. All of this will help give you brighter, whiter teeth with fewer cavities.

Teeth whitening by using natural treatments will prevent exposure to harsh chemicals. Natural whitening is cheap and almost free in most cases. You can have a winning smile without hurting the tissues in your mouth and damaging the enamel on your teeth.

Reference :website

Pemutih Gigi Alami
- Ingin gigi Anda lebih putih? Ramuan ajaib buatan sendiri ini bisa
membuat gigi kita lebih putih berkilau. Dan dijamin pasti ekonomis.
Rahasia dari metode pemutih gigi murah buatan sendiri adalah malic acid
yang merupakan zat yang bisa menghilangkan noda pada permukaan gigi.
Hilangkan "noda" kopi, anggur merah, dan soda pada gigi dengan ramuan
dari campuran stroberi dan soda kue. “Cara cepat dan murah untuk
mencerahkan senyum Anda,” ujar Adina Carrel, DMD, dokter gigi dari
Manhattan Dental Arts di New York City.
Bahan: 1 (satu) buah stroberi matang dan ½ sdt soda kue.Cara membuat:
1. Hancurkan stroberi sampai menjadi bubur, lalu campurkan soda kue hingga merata.
2. Setelah ramuan selesai, aplikasikan ke seluruh gigi dengan menggunakan sikat gigi. Diamkan selama 5 menit.
3. Bersihkan gigi dengan air sampai bersih, gunakan benang gigi untuk membantu menghilangkan biji-biji stroberi.
4. Lakukan 1 x seminggu, karena penggunaan berlebih merusak email gigi kita akibat kandungan asam yang terdapat dalam stroberi. (Astrid Anastasia)

Sumber : Prevention Indonesia





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Monday, June 1, 2009

Parkia speciosa

Parkia speciosa

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Seed pods of P. speciosa
Seed pods of P. speciosa
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Class: Magnoliopsida
Order: Fabales
Family: Fabaceae
Genus: Parkia
Species: P. speciosa
Binomial name
Parkia speciosa

Parkia speciosa (petai, bitter bean,sataw, twisted cluster bean, yongchaa, yongchaak, zawngtah or stink bean), is a plant of the genus Parkia in the family Fabaceae. It bears long, flat edible beans with bright green seeds the size and shape of plump almonds which have a rather peculiar smell, characterised by some as being similar to that added to methane gas.[1]



[edit] Uses

The beans are an acquired taste, but are popular in southern Thailand, Burma, Malaysia, Indonesia, and northeastern India, and are sold in bunches, still in the pod, or the seeds are sold in plastic bags. Pods are gathered from the wild, or from cultivated trees, They are exported in jars or cans, pickled in brine.

[edit] Culinary use

A Malaysian dish with petai beans

Depending on the country of origin they may be labelled peteh, petai, yongchaak, sataw, or sator). They are best when combined with other strong flavoured foods such as garlic, chile peppers, and dried shrimp, as in "sambal petai" or added to a Thai curry such as Thai Green Curry of Duck. When young the pods are flat because the seeds have not yet developed, and they hang like a bunch of slightly twisted ribbons, pale green, almost translucent. At this stage they may be eaten raw, fried or pickled. Young tender pods with undeveloped beans can be used whole in stir fried dishes. In North-eastern India, the seeds or the bean as a whole are eaten by preparing a local delicacy call Iromba or Yongchak singju. Seeds are also dried and seasoned for later consumption. When dried the seeds turn black. In Indonesia, petai is very popular in the highlands of Java.

Petai beans or seeds look like broad beans. Like mature broad beans, they may have to be peeled before cooking. Petai has earned its nickname 'stink bean' because its strong smell is very pervasive. It lingers in the mouth and body. Like asparagus, it contains certain amino acids that give a strong smell to one's urine, an effect that can be noticed up to two days after consumption. Like other beans, their complex carbohydrates can also cause strong-smelling flatulence.

[edit] Botanical description

The petai tree can grow to about 90 feet (30 metres). It bears flowers in a light-bulb shaped mass at the end of long stalks. The flowers secrete a nectar that attracts bats and other pollinators. The tiny flowers mature and die. Long, twisted, translucent pods emerge in a cluster of 7 or 8 pods. When those pods are mature, within them will reside the petai beans or seeds.

Pete Ternyata Obat Paling Dahysat!

Pete tu mengandung 3 macam gula alami yaitu sukrosa , fruktosa dan glukosa yang dikombinasikan dengan serat. Nah..kombinasi ini , ternyata bikin kita jadi sangat bertenaga! *wah buat maniak pete , bakal makin semangat ni ngeborong pete , ki’5 , tapi tunggu..sabar. .sabar…baca dulu artikelnya mpe abis yak

Riset membuktikan dua porsi pete aja..mampu memberikan tenaga yang cukup untuk melakukan aktivitas berat selama 90 menit.

Makanya , tau ga sih kalo makanan ini tu kesukaannya para atlet top! Selain itu , pete juga banyak gunanya. Bisa juga ngebantu ngobatin beberapa penyakit. Check this out! (dari berbagai sumber).

Menurut survei yang dilakukan oleh MIND diantara pasien penderita depresi , banyak orang merasa lebih baik setelah makan pete. Hal ini terjadi karena pete mengandung tryptophan , sejenis protein yang diubah tubuh menjadi serotonin. Inilah yang akan membuat relax , memperbaiki mood dan secara umum membuat seseorang lebih bahagia.

-PMS (premenstrual syndrome)-
Jika mengalami PMS saat ‘ tamu ‘ datang , kamu ga perlu minum pil ini ataupun itu , cukup atasi dengan makan pete. Vitamin B6 yang dikandung pete mengatur kadar gula darah , yang dapat membantu mood.

Dengan kandungan zat besi yang tinggi , pete dapat menstimulasi produksi sel darah merah dan membantu apabila terjadi anemia.

-Tekanan darah tinggi-
Buah tropis unik ini sangat tinggi kalium , tetapi rendah garam , sehingga sangat sempurna untuk memerangi tekanan darah. Begitu tingginya , sehingga FDA Amerika mengizinkan perkebunan pete untuk melakukan klaim resmi mengenai kemampuan buah ini untuk menurunkan resiko tekanan darah dan stroke.

-Kemampuan otak-
200 siswa di Twickenham (Middlesex) tertolong dengan mudah melalui ujian pada tahun ini karena memakan pete pada saat sarapan , istirahat , dan makan siang. Riset telah membuktikan bahwa buah dengan kandungan kalium tinggi dapat membantu belajar dengan membantu siswa semakin waspada.

Karena kandungan serat yang tinggi , maka pete akan mempermudah menormalkan kembali aksi pencernaan , membantu mengatasi permasalahan ini tanpa harus kembali ke laksativ..

-Obat mabuk-
Salah satu cara paling cepat untuk menyembuhkan “penyakit” mabuk adalah milkshake pete , yang dimaniskan dengan madu. Pete akan membantu menenangkan perut dan dengan bantuan madu akan meningkatkan kadar gula darah yang jatuh , sedangkan susu akan menenangkan dan kembali memperbaiki kadar cairan dalam tubuh.

Pete memiliki efek antasid pada tubuh , sehingga bila dada anda terasa panas akibat kebanyakan makan, cobalah makan pete untuk mengurangi sakitnya.

-Mual di pagi hari-
Makan pete diantara jam makan akan menolong mempertahankan kadar gula dan menghindari muntah.

-Gigitan nyamuk-
Sebelum anda meraih krim gigitan nyamuk , coba untuk menggosok daerah yang terkena gigitan dengan bagian dalam kulit pete. Banyak orang berhasil mengatasi rasa gatal dan bengkak dengan cara ini.

-Untuk saraf-
Pete mengandung vitamin V dalam jumlah besar , sehingga akan membantu menenangkan sistem saraf.

Penelitian di Institute of Psychology Austria menemukan bahwa tekanan pada saat kerja menyebabkan orang sering meraih makanan yang menenangkan seperti coklat dan keripik. Dengan melihat kepada 5.000 pasien di rumah sakit , peneliti menemukan bahwa kebanyakan orang mejadi gemuk karena tekanan kerja yang tinggi.

Laporan menyimpulkan bahwa , untuk menghindari nafsu memakan makanan karena panik , kita butuh mengendalikan kadar gula dalam darah dengan ngemil makanan tinggi karbohidrat setiap dua jam untuk mempertahankan kadarnya tetap.

-Luka lambung-
Pete digunakan sebagai makanan untuk merawat pencernaan karena texturnya yang lembut dan halus. Buah ini adalah satu-satunya buah mentah yang dapat dimakan tanpa menyebabkan stress dalam beberapa kasus yang parah. Buah ini juga mampu menetralkan asam lambung dan mengurangi iritasi dengan melapisi permukaan dalam lambung.

-Mengatur suhu tubuh-
Banyak budaya lain yang melihat pete sebagai buah ‘dingin’ yang mampu menurunkan suhu tubuh dan emosi ibu yang menanti kelahiran anaknya. Di Belanda misalnya , ibu hamil akan makan pete untuk meyakinkan agar si bayi lahir dengan suhu tidak tinggi.

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) (penyakit emosional yang kacau) Pete dapat membantu penderitas SAD kerena mengandung pendorong mood alami , tryptophan.

Pete dapat menolong orang yang ingin berhenti merokok. Vitamin B6 dan B12 yang dikandungnya , bersama dengan kalium dan magnesium , membantu tubuh cepat sembuh dari efek penghentian nikotin

Kalium adalah mineral penting , yang membantu untuk menormalkan detak jantung , mengirim oksigen ke otak dan mengatur keseimbangan cairan tubuh. Ketika kita stress , kecepatan metabolisme kita akan meningkat, sehingga akan mengurangi kadar kalium dalam tubuh. Hal ini dapat diseimbangkan lagi dengan bantuan makan petai yang tinggi kalium.

Menurut riset dalam “The New England Journal of Medicine , ” makan pete sebagai bagian dari makanan sehari-hari akan menurunkan resiko kematian karena stroke sampai 40%.

Mereka yang suka berpaling pada pengobatan alami akan berani bersumpah , jika kamu ingin mematikan caplak , maka ambil sepotong pete , dan letakkan di caplak itu. Tetap pertahankan pete itu dengan menggunakan plester!

Lalu…setelah membaca semuanya , kamu pasti jadi percaya bahwa pete adalah obat alami untuk berbagai macam penyakit. Jika dibandingin ma apel , pete memiliki protein 4 kali lebih banyak , karbohidrat dua kali lebih banyak , tiga kali lipat fosfor , lima kali lipat Vitamin A dan zat besi , dan dua kali lipat jumlah vitamin dan mineral lainnya.

Jadi…mulai sekarang , jangan memandang sebelah mata ma buah satu ini… Ternyata kaya nutrisi kan? Selamat mencoba…

sumber: Forum





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