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Friday, December 11, 2009

7 Reasons Keep Drinking Coconut Water

JAKARTA, - Since a long time, the coconut is known as benefit-rich plants. Almost no part of the coconut trees that are not useful for life.

But too often do not understand people who use every part of the coconut. Coconut water for example, it is only a waste because memanfaatkanya confused. Coconut water when it is very efficacious for the health and fitness.

Well .. coconut water that is wasted not, you need to know what properties and usefulness. This seven reasons why you need to drink coconut water:

1. Coconut milk is more nutritious than whole milk (whole milk) because it does not contain cholesterol and low fat.

2. Coconut water can improve blood circulation and known to cleanse the digestive tract.

3. Coconut water will not only make your immune system is better, but also helps the body fight some types of viruses that cause disease.

4. If you are suffering from kidney stone disease, make it a habit to drink coconut water regularly. The habit of drinking coconut water will mambantu dissolving kidney stones and facilitate their exit from the body.

5. Coconut water is also known from earliest times to cure urinary tract disorders. A glass of coconut water to relieve the pain of urinating difficult.

6. If you're still feeling a hangover, no one can recover quickly in addition to consuming coconut water.

7. Coconut water feels very soft and rich in potassium electrolytes. Potassium helps the body regulate blood pressure and cardiac organ function.

Web sources

7 Alasan Perlu Minum Air Kelapa

Selasa, 10 November 2009 | 16:55 WIB

JAKARTA, - Sejak lama, kelapa dikenal sebagai tumbuhan yang kaya manfaat. Nyaris tak ada bagian dari tanaman kelapa yang tidak bermanfaat bagi kehidupan.

Namun tak jarang pula orang yang tidak paham memanfaatkan setiap bagian dari kelapa. Air kelapa misalnya, justru hanya menjadi limbah karena bingung memanfaatkanya. Padahal air kelapa justru sangat berkhasiat bagi kesehatan dan kebugaran tubuh.

Nah.. agar air kelapa tak terbuang percuma, Anda perlu tahu apa saja khasiat dan kegunaannya. Inilah tujuh alasan kenapa Anda perlu minum air kelapa :

1. Air kelapa ternyata lebih bernutrisi ketimbang susu penuh (whole milk) karena tidak mengandung kolesterol dan rendah lemak.

2. Air kelapa dapat memperbaiki sirkulasi darah dan dikenal mampu membersihkan saluran pencernaan.

3. Air kelapa tidak hanya akan membuat sistem kekebalan tubuh Anda lebih baik, tetapi juga membantu tubuh melawan beberapa jenis virus penyebab penyakit.

4. Jika Anda mengidap penyakit batu ginjal, biasakanlah meminum air kelapa secara rutin. Kebiasaan meminum air kelapa akan mambantu memecah batu ginjal dan memudahkan mereka keluar dari tubuh.

5. Air kelapa juga dikenal sejak dahulu dapat menyembuhkan gangguan saluran kencing. Segelas air kelapa akan meredakan rasa sakit akibat susah kencing.

6. Jika Anda masih merasa pusing karena mabuk, tak ada yang bisa memulihkannya dengan cepat selain mengonsumsi air kelapa.

7. Air kelapa yang rasanya lembut sangat kaya akan elektrolit dan potassium . Potassium dapat membantu tubuh mengatur tekanan darah dan fungsi organ jantung.

Sumber web

Monday, October 26, 2009

Sirsak fruit, killer Cancer

Friday, 09/10/2009 | 15:01 WIB
Soursop fruit, killer Cancer

Fruit Soursop, Graviola fruit of the tree is a natural killer of cancer cells that magic to 10,000 times more powerful than the chemo therapy.

But why do we not know?
Because one company's secret world of research findings on this matter as tight-meeting, they want to fund research that issued a very large, for many years, may return in advance plus generous benefits in a way to make Synthetic Graviola tree as raw material medicine and medicine djual World kepasar.

Concern, several people have died in vain, pathetic, because the malignancy of cancer, while the giant companies, the drug maker with billion dollar turnover sealed the secret of this miracle Graviola tree.

Low tree, in Brazil named "Graviola", in Spanish "Guanabana" English "Soursop". In Indonesia, yes Soursop fruit. The fruit is rather large, spiny skin soft, white flesh, sweet, sour / acid, edible skin by opening or created juice.

Soursop fruit efficacy of this anti-tumor effect / cancer is very strong, and medically proven to cure all types of cancer. In addition to cure cancer, soursop fruit also acts as anti-bacterial, anti-fungus (fungi), effektive against various types of parasites / worms, lowering high blood pressure, depression, stress, and normalize the nervous system back to a less well.

One example of how important the existence of Health Sciences Institute for Americans is this Institute unmasked the secrets of this magical fruit. The astonishing fact is: Deep in the interior of the Amazon forest, growing "magic tree", which will change your thinking, your doctor, and the world about the process of healing and hope to cancer survival. No one can promise more than this, for the future.

Research has proven that "magic tree" and this fruit can be:
- Attacking cancer cells effektive safely and naturally, WITHOUT nausea, weight loss, hair loss, as happened in chemo therapy.
- Protecting the immune system and prevent deadly infections.
- Patients feel stronger, more healthy during the treatment / healing.
- Increased energy and improved physical appearance.
Source of this shocking news comes from one of the largest manufacturer in Amerika.Buah Graviola-test in more than 20 laboratory, since the 1970s until a few years berikutnya.Hasil Test of extract (essence) of this fruit are:
- In effektive select targets and kills bad cells from 12 different types of cancer, including cancer: Colon, breast, prostate, Paru2, and pancreas.
- Power works 10,000 times stronger in slowing the growth of cancer cells compared with adriamycin and Chemo therapy commonly used!
- Unlike chemo therapy, this juice is selective only to hunt and kill the bad cells and NOT harm / kill sel2 healthy!
Research has been done on the tree ekstensive "magic" is, for many years but why we do not know anything about this? The answer is: So easy to our health, our lives, which is controlled by money and power!

One of the largest drug companies in America with a turnover of billions of dollars doing extraordinary research on Graviola tree that grows in the forest Amazon ini.Ternyata some parts of this tree: the bark, roots, leaves, fruit flesh and seeds, for centuries to cure for Indian tribes in South America to treat: heart disease, asthma, liver problems (heart) and arthritis. With scientific bukti2 minimal, the company disbursed funds and human resources are very large in order to do research and various tests. The results were astonishing. Graviola scientifically proven as a cancer cell killing machine!

But the story of Graviola nearly ended here. Why?
Under Federal law, natural resources for the drug NO / NOT patented.

Companies facing a big problem, trying hard with a huge cost to make sinthesa / cloning of this Graviola to be patented so that the funds spent on research and various tests can be returned, and even made a fortune. But these efforts did not succeed. Graviola can not be cloned. Company bite finger after billions of dollars spent for research and various tests.

When a dream to get a big advantage to fade angsur2, research and test activities are also stopped. Even worse, the company closed the project and decided to NOT publish the results of this research.
Fortunately, there was one scientist from the Research Team ak es t bear to see this cruelty terjadi.Dengan sacrificed his career, he contacted a company that used to collect natural bahan2 of the Amazon forest for the manufacture of drugs.

When the experts of the Health Sciences Research Institute at the news magic Graviola, they began to do research. The results were surprising. Graviola proved to be a tree killer effektive cancer cells.

The National Cancer Institute began the first scientific research in 1976. The results prove that the leaves and stem wood Graviola can attack and destroy the evil sel2 cancer. Unfortunately, these results only for internal purposes and t ak en published.

Since 1976, Graviola has proven to be a killer of cancer cells in the extraordinary trials conducted by 20 different laboratories Independence.

A study published by the Journal of Natural Products stated that studies conducted by the Catholic University in South Korea, said that one of the chemical elements contained natural en d Graviola, can select, discriminate and kill cancer cells Colon with 10,000 times more powerful compared with adriamycin and Chemo Therapy!

The most striking discovery from this study is a Catholic University: Graviola can select memillih and kill only the evil of cancer cells, while healthy cells untouched t ak en / disturbed. Graviola t ak en as chemo therapy is t ak en can differentiate cancer cells and healthy cells, then sel2 reproduction (such as stomach and hair) been killed by Chemo Therapy, causing a negative effek: nausea and hair loss.

A study at Purdue University show that the Graviola leaves are able to kill cancer cells in effektive, particularly cancer cells: prostate, pancreas, and Paru2.

After for about 7 years t ak es no news of Graviola, finally broke the news of this miracle, too, through information from the institutions mentioned above.

Limited supply of Graviola extract in mind empower and harvested by indigenous people Brazil, is now available in America.

The full story of Graviola, which acquired, and how to use it, can be found in Beyond Chemotherapy: New Cancer Killers, Safe as Mother's milk, as a special free bonus issue of Health Sciences Institute.

Now you know the benefits of soursop fruit is extraordinary. Manis2 refreshing sour taste. 100% natural fruit with no side effects apapun.Sebar good news is disseminated to the families, relatives, friends, and friends you love.

Buah Sirsak, Pembunuh Kanker

Jumat, 09/10/2009 | 15:01 WIB
Buah Sirsak, Pembunuh Kanker

Buah Sirsak, buah dari pohon Graviola adalah pembunuh alami sel kanker yang ajaib dengan 10.000 kali lebih kuat dari pada terapi kemo.

Tapi kenapa kita tidak tahu?
Karena salah satu perusahaan Dunia merahasiakan penemuan riset mengenai hal ini serapat-rapatnya, mereka ingin agar dana riset yang dikeluarkan sangat besar, selama bertahun-tahun, dapat kembali lebih dulu plus keuntungan berlimpah dengan cara membuat pohon Graviola Sintetis sebagai bahan baku obat dan obatnya djual kepasar Dunia.

Memprihatinkan, beberapa orang meninggal sia-sia, mengenaskan, karena keganasan kanker, sedangkan perusahaan raksasa, pembuat obat dengan omzet milyaran dollar menutup rapat-rapat rahasia keajaiban pohon Graviola ini.

Pohonnya rendah, di Brazil dinamai "Graviola", di Spanyol "Guanabana" bahasa Inggrisnya "Soursop". Di Indonesia, ya buah Sirsak. Buahnya agak besar, kulitnya berduri lunak, daging buah berwarna putih, rasanya manis kecut/asam, dimakan dengan cara membuka kulitnya atau dibuat jus.

Khasiat dari buah sirsak ini memberikan efek anti tumor/kanker yang sangat kuat, dan terbukti secara medis menyembuhkan segala jenis kanker. Selain menyembuhkan kanker, buah sirsak juga berfungsi sebagai anti bakteri, anti jamur (fungi), effektive melawan berbagai jenis parasit/cacing, menurunkan tekanan darah tinggi, depresi, stress, dan menormalkan kembali sistim syaraf yang kurang baik.

Salah satu contoh betapa pentingnya keberadaan Health Sciences Institute bagi orang Amerika adalah Institute ini membuka tabir rahasia buah ajaib ini. Fakta yang mencengangkan adalah: Jauh di pedalaman hutan Amazon, tumbuh "pohon ajaib", yang akan merubah cara berpikir anda, dokter anda, dan dunia mengenai proses penyembuhan kanker dan harapan untuk bertahan hidup. Tidak ada yang bisa menjanjikan lebih dari hal ini, untuk masa yang akan datang.

Riset membuktikan "pohon ajaib" dan buahnya ini bisa :
- Menyerang sel kanker dengan aman dan effektive secara alami, TANPA rasa mual, berat badan turun, rambut rontok, seperti yang terjadi pada terapi kemo.
- Melindungi sistim kekebalan tubuh dan mencegah dari infeksi yang mematikan.
- Pasien merasakan lebih kuat, lebih sehat selama proses perawatan / penyembuhan.
- Energi meningkat dan penampilan phisik membaik.
Sumber berita sangat mengejutkan ini berasal dari salah satu pabrik obat terbesar di Amerika.Buah Graviola di-test di lebih dari 20 Laboratorium, sejak tahun 1970-an sampai beberapa tahun berikutnya.Hasil Test dari ekstrak (sari) buah ini adalah :
- Secara effektive memilih target dan membunuh sel jahat dari 12 type kanker yang berbeda, diantaranya kanker : Usus Besar, Payu Dara, Prostat, Paru2, dan Pankreas.
- Daya kerjanya 10.000 kali lebih kuat dalam memperlambat pertumbuhan sel kanker dibandingkan dengan Adriamycin dan Terapi Kemo yang biasa digunakan!
- Tidak seperti terapi kemo, sari buah ini secara selective hanya memburu dan membunuh sel jahat dan TIDAK membahayakan/ membunuh sel2 sehat!
Riset telah dilakukan secara ekstensive pada pohon "ajaib" ini,selama bertahun-tahun tapi kenapa kita tidak tahu apa-apa mengenai hal ini? Jawabnya adalah : Begitu mudah kesehatan kita, kehidupan kita, dikendalikan oleh yang memiliki uang dan kekuasaan!

Salah satu perusahaan obat terbesar di Amerika dengan omzet milyaran dollar melakukan riset luar biasa pada pohon Graviola yang tumbuh dihutan Amazon ini.Ternyata beberapa bagian dari pohon ini : kulit kayu,akar, daun, daging buah dan bijinya, selama berabad-abad menjadi obat bagi suku Indian di Amerika Selatan untuk menyembuhkan : sakit jantung, asma, masalah liver (hati) dan rematik. Dengan bukti2 ilmiah yang minim, perusahaan mengucurkan Dana dan Sumber Daya Manusia yang sangat besar guna melakukan riset dan aneka test. Hasilnya sangat mencengangkan. Graviola secara ilmiah terbukti sebagai mesin pembunuh sel kanker!

Tapi kisah Graviola hampir berakhir disini. Kenapa?
Dibawah Undang-Undang Federal, sumber bahan alami untuk obat DILARANG / TIDAK BISA dipatenkan.

Perusahaan menghadapi masalah besar, berusaha sekuat tenaga dengan biaya sangat besar untuk membuat sinthesa/kloning dari Graviola ini agar bisa dipatentkan sehingga dana yang dikeluarkan untuk Riset dan Aneka Test bisa kembali, dan bahkan meraup keuntungan besar. Tapi usaha ini tidak berhasil. Graviola tidak bisa di-kloning. Perusahaan gigit jari setelah mengeluarkan dana milyaran dollar untuk riset dan aneka test.

Ketika mimpi untuk mendapatkan keuntungan besar ber-angsur2 memudar, kegiatan riset dan test juga berhenti. Lebih parah lagi, perusahaan menutup proyek ini dan memutuskan untuk TIDAK mempublikasikan hasil riset ini.
Beruntunglah, ada salah seorang Ilmuwan dari Team Riset t id ak tega melihat kekejaman ini terjadi.Dengan mengorbankan karirnya,dia menghubungi sebuah perusahaan yang biasa mengumpulkan bahan2 alami dari hutan Amazon untuk pembuatan obat.

Ketika para pakar riset dari Health Sciences Institute mendengar berita keajaiban Graviola, mereka mulai melakukan riset. Hasilnya sangat mengejutkan. Graviola terbukti sebagai pohon pembunuh sel kanker yang effektive.

The National Cancer Institute mulai melakukan riset ilmiah yang pertama pada tahun 1976. Hasilnya membuktikan bahwa daun dan batang kayu Graviola mampu menyerang dan menghancurkan sel2 jahat kanker. Sayangnya hasil ini hanya untuk keperluan intern dan t id ak dipublikasikan.

Sejak 1976, Graviola telah terbukti sebagai pembunuh sel kanker yang luar biasa pada uji coba yang dilakukan oleh 20 Laboratorium Independence yang berbeda.

Suatu studi yang dipublikasikan oleh the Journal of Natural Products menyatakan bahwa studi yang dilakukan oleh Catholic University di Korea Selatan, menyebutkan bahwa salah satu unsur kimia yang terkandung d id alam Graviola,mampu memilih, membedakan dan membunuh sel kanker Usus Besar dengan 10.000 kali lebih kuat dibandingkan dengan Adriamycin dan Terapi Kemo!

Penemuan yang paling mencolok dari study Catholic University ini adalah: Graviola bisa menyeleksi memillih dan membunuh hanya sel jahat kanker, sedangkan sel yang sehat t id ak tersentuh/terganggu . Graviola t id ak seperti terapi kemo yang t id ak bisa membedakan sel kanker dan sel sehat, maka sel2 reproduksi (seperti lambung dan rambut) dibunuh habis oleh Terapi Kemo, sehingga timbul effek negative: rasa mual dan rambut rontok.

Sebuah studi di Purdue University membuktikan bahwa daun Graviola mampu membunuh sel kanker secara effektive, terutama sel kanker: Prostat, Pankreas, dan Paru2.

Setelah selama kurang lebih 7 tahun t id ak ada berita mengenai Graviola, akhirnya berita keajaiban ini pecah juga, melalui informasi dari lembaga-lembaga tersebut diatas.

Pasokan terbatas ekstrak Graviola yang di budi dayakan dan dipanen oleh orang-orang pribumi Brazil , kini bisa diperoleh di Amerika.

Kisah lengkap tentang Graviola, dimana memperolehnya, dan bagaimana cara memanfaatkannya, dapat dijumpai dalam Beyond Chemotherapy: New Cancer Killers, Safe as Mother's milk, sebagai free special bonus terbitan Health Sciences Institute.

Sekarang anda tahu manfaat buah sirsak yang luar biasa ini. Rasanya manis2 kecut menyegarkan. Buah alami 100% tanpa efek samping apapun.Sebar luaskan kabar baik ini kepada keluarga, saudara, sahabat,dan teman yang anda kasihi.




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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Basil Not Just Perfume

Basil plants that are not foreign to us. This plant was also relatively easy to find, can are at home, garden, fields, even on the street. Until now, most of us know that basil is used as Lalapan match, added to the berunsur cooking fish, chicken, or used as traditional medicine.

And plants like basil, mint or basil ie, has an interesting history. Plants of this type had been a kingdom of plants in France and Italy. This plant flowers chosen to express love. While in India, this plant is one of the purified plant and often used in religious ceremonies.

In China, basil is used as a drug of infection, abdominal pain, snake bites, insect, drug fever, and cancer. Many other countries also use these plants as traditional medicine, such as Greece, Philippines, Tanzania, and Mexico.

Apart from the scientific evidence, basil and mint have been empirically used in traditional medicine for various diseases, both in Indonesia and other countries. Basil is rich in beta-carotene, and magnesium, important minerals that serves to keep and maintain heart health.

Basil scent was inviting appetite. Naturally, if then people like to eat these leaves as raw Lalapan, mixed Pepes, Karedok, or threatened.

source:okezone,forum nova

Kemangi Tak Sekadar Wangi

KEMANGI bukan tanaman yang asing bagi kita. Tumbuhan ini pun relatif mudah dijumpai, bisa dihalaman rumah, kebun, ladang, bahkan di pinggir jalan. Sampai saat ini, kebanyakan dari kita tahu bahwa kemangi cocok digunakan sebagai lalapan, ditambahkan pada masakan berunsur ikan, ayam, atau digunakan sebagai obat tradisional.

Kemangi dan tanaman sejenisnya, yaitu selasih atau basil, memiliki sejarah yang menarik. Tanaman jenis ini pernah menjadi tanaman kerajaan di Prancis dan Italia. Bunga tanaman ini dipilih untuk menyatakan cinta. Sementara di India, tanaman ini merupakan salah satu tumbuhan yang disucikan dan kerap digunakan dalam upacara keagamaan.

Di China, kemangi digunakan sebagai obat infeksi, sakit perut, gigitan ular, serangga, obat demam, dan kanker. Banyak negara lainnya yang juga memanfaatkan tanaman ini sebagai obat tradisional, seperti Yunani, Filipina, Tanzania, dan Meksiko.

Terlepas dari pembuktian secara ilmiah, kemangi dan selasih secara empiris telah digunakan dalam pengobatan tradisional untuk berbagai macam penyakit, baik di Indonesia maupun negara lain. Kemangi kaya akan betakaroten dan magnesium, mineral penting yang berfungsi menjaga serta memelihara kesehatan jantung.

Aroma wangi daun kemangi memang mengundang selera makan. Wajar jika kemudian orang suka mengonsumsi daun ini sebagai lalapan mentah, campuran pepes, karedok, atau terancam.

source:okezone,forum nova

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Persimmon, the Healthy Fruit Priss

Cursory form of apple-like fruit, often called the apple of Java. Appearance of skin attached to a white powder, many people referred to as the fruit of persimmon is considered to be sassy like powdery.

Persimmon has a scientific name is Diospyros feet, supposedly from the People's Republic of China, then spread to the braid on the ancient and cultivated. In Indonesia, another place that produces such persimmon North Sumatra, particularly Brastagi area, West Java and East Java, planted on the high mountains.

Benefits and Gynecology Nutrition

Based on many sources of research, known in persimmon was saved a great many chemical substances. Among the compounds are potent antioxidants that prevent cancer, keep blood pressure and also prevent premature aging.
Persimmon consumption can eliminate thirst, nourish the lungs - pulmonary and strengthen the spleen.

One thing is important, eating persimmons every day may help prevent hardening of the arteries. Maintain flexibility of blood vessels and blood pressure stability is key to maintaining heart health.

Persimmon fruit contains 19.6% carbohydrates, especially fructose and glucose 0.7% protein, vitamin A and potassium. Each contains 100 grams of persimmon energy 88 cal, 15 grams carbohydrates, 6 mg of calcium, phosphorus 26 mg, 813 mcg of retinol and ascorbic acid 20 mg.

This fruit can be eaten fresh directly or can be processed as a snack mix. The most important quotes or buy persimmon reply had changed color to yellow.

Source: Tabloid Lezat,

Kesemek, Buah Centil yang Menyehatkan

Sepintas bentuk buahnya mirip buah apel, tak jarang disebut apel Jawa. Penampilan kulitnya yang ditempeli serbuk putih, banyak orang menjuluki kesemek sebagai buah centil yang dianggap suka berbedak.

Kesemek memiliki nama ilmiah Diospyros kaki yang diperkirakan berasal dari Republik Rakyat Cina, kemudian menyebar ke Kepang pada zaman purba dan dibudidayakan. Di Indonesia, tempat lain yang menghasilkan kesemek diantaranya Sumatera Utara, khususnya wilayah Brastagi, Jawa Barat dan Jawa Timur ditanam pada daerah tinggi dipegunungan.

Manfaat dan Kandungan Gizi

Berdasarkan riset banyak sumber, diketahui ternyata didalam buah kesemek tersimpan banyak zat kimia hebat. Diantaranya terdapat senyawa antioksidan yang berkhasiat mencegah kanker, menjaga tekanan darah dan juga menghambat proses penuaan dini.
Mengkonsumsi kesemek dapat menghilangkan dahaga, menyehatkan paru - paru dan menguatkan limpa.

Satu hal penting, mengkonsumsi kesemek setiap hari dapat membantu mencegah pengerasan pembuluh darah. Terpeliharanya kelenturan pembuluh darah dan stabilnya tekanan darah adalah kunci utama terpeliharanya kesehatan jantung.

Buah kesemek mengandung 19,6 % karbohidrat, terutama fruktosa dan glukosa 0,7 % protein, vitamin A dan kalium. Setiap 100 gram kesemek mengandung energi 88 kal, karbohidrat 15 gram, kalsium 6 mg, fosfor 26 mg, retinol 813 mcg dan asam askorbat 20 mg.

Buah ini dapat dimakan langsung dalam keadaan segar atau dapat diolah sebagai campuran kudapan. Yang terpenting petik atau beli buah kesemek yg warna kulitnya sudah berubah menjadi kuning.

Sumber : Tabloid Lezat,



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Saturday, September 12, 2009

Pears Fruit Benefits

Fruit Pears, Remove Toxins and Free Radicals
Tuesday, September 8, 2009 | 14:06 pm - One type of food sources of nutrients are recommended to consume more is the fruit. For those of you who want to find fruit to prevent free radicals, pears are the answer.

Pears klorogenat acid, one part of the sinamat hydroxy acid. Sinamat hydroxy acids act as antioxidants that block the formation of cancer cells.

The result showed that the acid could prevent the growth of Shigella sonnei bacteria, cause disease in the digestive tract.

Sinamat hydroxy acids prevent colon cancer. Acid binding nitrate works in the stomach, preventing the formation of nitrosamines, cancer-causing compounds.

Sinamat hydroxy acids accumulated in many parts of pear skin. To get the best benefits, the consumption of pears with the skin.

Pears both to prevent the free radicals caused by vitamin C high enough. Vitamin C stimulate white blood cells fight infection, kill bacteria and viruses, as well as regenerate vitamin E. Vitamin E is fat soluble antioxidant, vitamin C is water soluble. Without the presence of vitamin C, vitamin E will be oxidized by free radicals.

Pear consumption can also avoid the liver damage. Glutathione in pears necessary in liver metabolism to eliminate toxins and also as a major antioxidant in the body. Rich fruit consumption reduced glutathione approximately 36 percent risk of liver disorders.
. Guest speaker: Prof.Dr.Made Astawan, expert food and nutrition technology.

Manfaat Buah Pir

Buah Pir, Hilangkan Racun dan Radikal Bebas

Selasa, 8 September 2009 | 14:06 WIB - Salah satu jenis pangan sumber zat gizi yang dianjurkan untuk dikonsumsi lebih banyak adalah buah-buahan. Bagi Anda yang ingin mencari buah untuk mencegah radikal bebas, pir adalah jawabannya.

Pir mengandung asam klorogenat, salah satu bagian dari asam hidroksi sinamat. Asam hidroksi sinamat berperan sebagai antioksidan yang membendung pembentukan sel kanker.

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, asam tersebut mampu mencegah pertumbuhan bakteri Shigella sonnei, penyebab penyakit pada saluran pencernaan.

Asam hidroksi sinamat mencegah terjadinya kanker kolon. Asam tersebut bekerja mengikat nitrat di dalam perut, sehingga menghambat terbentuknya nitrosamin, senyawa penyebab kanker.

Asam hidroksi sinamat banyak terkumpul pada bagian kulit pir. Untuk mendapatkan manfaat terbaik, konsumsi pir bersama kulitnya.

Pir baik untuk mencegah radikal bebas disebabkan kandungan vitamin C yang cukup tinggi. Vitamin C memacu sel darah putih melawan infeksi, membunuh bakteri dan virus, serta meregenerasi vitamin E. Vitamin E merupakan antioksidan larut lemak, sedang vitamin C larut air. Tanpa kehadiran vitamin C, vitamin E akan teroksidasi oleh radikal bebas.

Konsumsi pir juga dapat menghindari kerusakan organ hati. Glutathione dalam pir diperlukan dalam metabolisme hati untuk menghilangkan racun dan juga sebagai antioksidan utama di dalam tubuh. Konsumsi buah yang kaya glutathione mengurangi sekitar 36 persen risiko gangguan organ hati.

Narasumber: Prof.Dr.Made Astawan, Ahli teknologi pangan dan gizi.



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Friday, September 4, 2009


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

(Redirected from Cucumis sativus)

Cucumber, with peel, raw
Nutritional value per 100 g (3.5 oz)
Energy 20 kcal 70 kJ
Carbohydrates 3.63 g
- Sugars 1.67 g
- Dietary fiber 0.5 g
Fat 0.11 g
Protein 0.65 g
Thiamine (Vit. B1) 0.027 mg 2%
Riboflavin (Vit. B2) 0.033 mg 2%
Niacin (Vit. B3) 0.098 mg 1%
Pantothenic acid (B5) 0.259 mg 5%
Vitamin B6 0.040 mg 3%
Folate (Vit. B9) 7 μg 2%
Vitamin C 2.8 mg 5%
Calcium 16 mg 2%
Iron 0.28 mg 2%
Magnesium 13 mg 4%
Phosphorus 24 mg 3%
Potassium 147 mg 3%
Zinc 0.20 mg 2%
Percentages are relative to US
recommendations for adults.
Source: USDA Nutrient database

The cucumber (Cucumis sativus) is a widely cultivated plant in the gourd family Cucurbitaceae, which includes squash, and in the same genus as the muskmelon.

[edit] Botany

The cucumber is a creeping vine that roots in the ground and grows up trellises or other supporting frames, wrapping around ribbing with thin, spiraling tendrils. The plant has large leaves that form a canopy over the fruit.

The fruit is roughly cylindrical, elongated, with tapered ends, and may be as large as 60 cm long and 10 cm in diameter. Cucumbers grown to be eaten fresh (called slicers) and those intended for pickling (called picklers) are similar. Cucumbers are mainly eaten in the unripe green form. The ripe yellow form normally becomes too bitter and sour.

Having an enclosed seed and developing from a flower, cucumbers are scientifically classified as fruits. Much like tomatoes and squash, however, their sour-bitter flavor contributes to cucumbers being perceived, prepared and eaten as vegetables, which is the accepted culinary term[citation needed] 2009}}.

Various myths have arisen with regard to how bitterness may be removed from cucumbers. Among these myths includes slicing off the ends of a cucumber, and rubbing the now-exposed ends of said cucumber with the sliced-off ends until it appears to froth. Another such urban legend states that one ought to peel a cucumber away from the end that was once attached to a vine, otherwise one risked spreading the bitterness throughout the cucumber.[1]

[edit] Flowering and pollination

A few varieties of cucumber are parthenocarpic, the blossoms creating seedless fruit without pollination. Pollination for these varieties degrades the quality. In the US, these are usually grown in greenhouses, where bees are excluded. In Europe, they are grown outdoors in some regions, and bees are excluded from these areas. Most cucumber varieties, however, are seeded and require pollination. Thousands of hives of honey bees are annually carried to cucumber fields just before bloom for this purpose. Cucumbers may also be pollinated by bumblebees and several other bee species.

Symptoms of inadequate pollination include fruit abortion and misshapen fruit. Partially pollinated flowers may develop fruit which are green and develop normally near the stem end, but pale yellow and withered at the blossom end.

Traditional varieties produce male blossoms first, then female, in about equivalent numbers. New gynoecious hybrid cultivars produce almost all female blossoms. However, since these varieties do not provide pollen, they must have interplanted a pollenizer variety and the number of beehives per unit area is increased. Insecticide applications for insect pests must be done very carefully to avoid killing off the insect pollinators.

[edit] Taste

There appears to be variability in the human olfactory response to cucumbers, with the majority of people reporting a mild, almost watery flavor or a light melon taste, while a small but vocal minority report a highly repugnant taste, some say almost perfume-like. The presence of the organic compound phenylthiocarbamide is believed to cause the bitter taste.

[edit] Pickling

Cucumbers can be pickled for flavor and longer shelf life. As compared to eating cucumbers, pickling cucumbers tend to be shorter, thicker, less regularly-shaped, and have bumpy skin with tiny white- or black-dotted spines. They are never waxed. Color can vary from creamy yellow to pale or dark green. Pickling cucumbers are sometimes sold fresh as “Kirby” or “Liberty” cucumbers. The pickling process removes or degrades much of the nutrient content, especially that of vitamin C. Pickled cucumbers are soaked in brine or a combination of vinegar and brine, although not vinegar alone, often along with various spices. Pickled cucumbers are often referred to simply as "pickles" in the U.S. or "Gherkins" or "Wallies" in the U.K, the latter name being more common in the north of England where it refers to the large vinegar-pickled cucumbers commonly sold in fish & chip shops. (Although the gherkin is of the same species as the cucumber it is of a completely different cultivar).

[edit] Varieties

Dosakai is a round, yellow, cucumber seen here at a market in Guntur, India.

Timun Suri Segar Berkhasiat

By Republika Newsroom
Selasa, 25 Agustus 2009 pukul 12:15:00

JAKARTA-- Bila Anda ditanya, buah apa yang paling diburu selama bulan ramadhan. Wajar kiranya jika sebagian besar menjawab seragam yaitu buah timun suri. Buah bernama latin Curcumis Lativus ity memang bisa dibilang primadona yang paling dicari sebagai bahan dasar es campur atau sajian khas lain berbuka puasa yang menyegarkan.

Buah berbentuk lonjong dengan warna kulit kuning dan halus itu memang paling banyak dicari terutama saat ramadhan. Bila ditelisik, buah ini memiliki tekstur yang mudah rusak ketika matang, beraroma harum dan daging buah bercitarasa manis serta miliki kadar air yang cukup tinggi sehingga bisa menambah kesegaran selepas berpuasa.

Dibalik keberadaanya yang musiman, buah ini juga mengandung mineral kalium dan provitamin. Serat di dalam timun suri mampu mencegah timbulnya kanker saluran pencernaan, seperti kanker usus dan kolon. Hal ini disebabkan sifat serat timun suri yang mengikat zat-zat karsinogen penyebab kanker yang ada di saluran pencernaan.

Timun suri juga kaya akan provitamin A, berfungsi menjaga kesehatan mata dan sebagai antioksidan alami pencegah rusaknya sel tubuh penyebab penuaan dini. Vitamin C di dalam timun suri termasuk tinggi. Keberadaan vitamin C inilah yang dapat mencegah timbulnya gangguan penyakit flu dan infeksi. Hal ini disebabkan sifat vitamin C yang berfungsi sebagai anti virus dan pencegah infeksi. Selain vitamin, mineral esensial seperti kalsium, fosfor dan zat besi juga banyak terdapat di dalam timun suri.

Tak hanya itu, kandungan zat gizi dan nir gizi yang terkandung di dalam buah timun suri bermanfaat untuk meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh, menyehatkan fungsi ginjal dan limpa, dan menurunkan tekanan darah.

Setelah mengetahui beragam manfaat timun suri, sangat disayangkan jika hanya dikonsumsi selama bulan puasa saja. Ada baiknya Anda tetap mengonsumsi buah itu agar terus memperoleh khasiatnya. berbagai sumber/cr2/rin



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Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Botanical name: Allium sativum


© Steven Foster

Parts used and where grown

Garlic has been used since time immemorial as a culinary spice and medicinal herb. Garlic has been cultivated in the Middle East for more than 5,000 years and has been an important part of Traditional Chinese Medicine. The region with the largest commercial garlic production is central California. China is also a supplier of commercial garlic. The bulb is used medicinally.

Garlic has been used in connection with the following conditions (refer to the individual health concern for complete information):

Science Ratings Health Concerns


Warts (topical application)


BPH (Kastamonu Garlic)

Breast-feeding support

Colon cancer (reduces risk of stomach, esophageal, and colon cancers)

Common cold

High blood pressure

High cholesterol

High triglycerides

Intermittent claudication


Athlete’s foot

Chronic candidiasis

Ear infections (recurrent)

HIV support



Peptic ulcer

Sickle cell anemia

3Stars Reliable and relatively consistent scientific data showing a substantial health benefit.
2Stars Contradictory, insufficient, or preliminary studies suggesting a health benefit or minimal health benefit.
1Star For an herb, supported by traditional use but minimal or no scientific evidence. For a supplement, little scientific support and/or minimal health benefit.

Historical or traditional use (may or may not be supported by scientific studies)

Garlic is mentioned in the Bible and the Talmud. Hippocrates, Galen, Pliny the Elder, and Dioscorides all mention the use of garlic for many conditions, including parasites, respiratory problems, poor digestion, and low energy. Its use in China was first mentioned in A.D. 510. Louis Pasteur studied the antibacterial action of garlic in 1858.


Active constituents

The sulfur compound allicin, produced by crushing or chewing fresh garlic or by taking powdered garlic products with allicin potential, in turn produces other sulfur compounds: ajoene, allyl sulfides, and vinyldithiins.1 Aged garlic products lack allicin, but may have activity due to the presence of S-allylcysteine.

Many publications have shown that garlic supports the cardiovascular system. While earlier trials suggest it may mildly lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood,2 3 4 more recent trials found garlic to have minimal success in lowering cholesterol and triglycerides.5 6 7 Garlic also inhibits platelet stickiness (aggregation) and increases fibrinolysis,8 which results in a slowing of blood coagulation. It is mildly antihypertensive9 and has antioxidant activity.10

Garlic’s cardiovascular protective effects were illustrated in a four-year clinical trial on people 50–80 years old with atherosclerosis.11 It was found that consumption of 900 mg of a standardized garlic supplement reduced arterial plaque formation by 5–18%. The benefits were most notable in women.

In test tube studies garlic has been found to have antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal activity.12 However, these actions are less clear in humans and do not suggest that garlic is a substitute for antibiotics or antifungal medications.

Human population studies suggest that eating garlic regularly reduces the risk of esophageal, stomach, and colon cancer.13 14 This may be partly due to garlic’s ability to reduce the formation of carcinogenic compounds.


How much is usually taken?

People who wish to consume garlic and have no aversion to its odor can chew from one to two whole cloves of raw garlic daily. For those who prefer it with less odor, enteric-coated tablets or capsules with approximately 1.3% allin are available. Clinical trials have used 600–900 mg (delivering approximately 5,000–6,000 mcg of allicin potential) per day in two or three divided amounts.15 16 Aged-garlic extracts have been studied in amounts ranging from 2.4–7.2 grams per day.


Are there any side effects or interactions?

Many people enjoy eating garlic. However, some people who are sensitive to it may experience heartburn and flatulence. Because of garlic’s anti-clotting properties, people taking anticoagulant drugs should check with their doctor before taking garlic.17 Those scheduled for surgery should inform their surgeon if they are taking garlic supplements. Garlic appears to be safe during pregnancy and breast-feeding. In fact, two studies have shown that babies like breast milk better from mothers who eat garlic.18 19

Are there any drug interactions?
Certain medicines may interact with garlic. Refer to drug interactions for a list of those medicines.


Atasi Dengan Bahan Alami

Keluhan kesehatan yang ringan tak selalu harus diatasi dengan obat.
Kita bisa kembali ke alam untuk menemukan solusi yang tepat. Mulai
dari bau mulut, cegukan, hingga luka bakar.

Meredakan sakit tenggorokan
Sakit tenggorokan kerap membuat kita sulit bicara dan menelan makanan.
Sembuhkan dengan bawang putih. Caranya, berkumurlah dengan segelas air
hangat yang sudah dicampur dengan 6 siung bawang putih yang sudah
dihancurkan. Lakukan selama 3 hari.

Dr.Ronald Hoffman, MD, direktur medik Hoffman Center, New York,
menyatakan bahwa bawang putih, terutama yang segar, sangat ampuh
membunuh bakteri. Menurut penulis Alternative Cures That Really Work
ini, hal ini dikarenakan bawang putih mengandung semacam antibiotik.

Menyembuhkan cegukan
Cegukan tidak hanya diakibatkan karena kita tersedak makanan, tetapi
juga bisa oleh stres. Ketika stres, hormon kortisol masuk ke dalam
darah, menyebabkan diafragma menjadi tegang dan otot di sekitar pita
suara berkontraksi. Akibatnya, kita jadi cegukan.

Cara termudah untuk meredakannya adalah dengan menelan 1-2 sendok teh
gula pasir. Butiran gula pasir mampu merelakskan saraf yang tegang.
Sebagai pengganti gula juga bisa menggunakan garam. Tetapi, gula
merupakan pilihan yang baik karena rasanya manis.

Mengatasi luka bakar
Untuk mendinginkan luka akibat minyak panas, oleskan gel yagn didapat
dari dalam bagian dalam daun lidah buaya ke bagian kulit yang luka.
Menurut dr.Mochtar Wijayakusuma, lidah buaya mengandung polisakandra
dan alpaktin B yang berkhasiat menyembuhkan luka bakar ringan dan
mencegah infeksi.

Menghilangkan bau mulut
Berkumurlah dengan secangkir kecil perasan lemon. Setelah itu,
makanlah yogurt tawar yang mengandung bakteri lactobacillus. Selain
menghilangkan bau mulut, bakteri jenis ini juga memiliki manfaat
tambahan, yaitu dapat memelihara kesehatan saluran pencernaan dan
mencegah sembelit. Kombinasi lemon dan yogurt sangat efektif untuk
menetralisir bau mulut dalam waktu yang relatif cepat. Bahkan,
manfaatnya dapat bertahan hingga 12-24 jam setelah pemakaian.

Melemaskan otot kaku
Sirkulasi darah dan cairan getah bening yang tidak lancar dapat
menyebabkan otot terasa sakit dan kaku. Jika ini terjadi, mandilah
dengan air panas selama 20 menit dan air dingin 10 menit secara
bergantian, saran Laurie Steelsmith, penulis Choices for Women's

Siraman air panas di tubuh kita mampu melebarkan pembuluh darah.
Sedangkan air dingin berfungsi untuk menciutkan pembuluh darah.
Selesai mandi, kita akan merasakan aliran darah lancar kembali.

Menyembuhkan insomnia
Insomnia atau sulit tidur dapat menyebabkan kesehatan kita terganggu.
Untuk menyembuhkannya, makanlah segenggam buah ceri sebelum tidur.
Ceri mengandung melatonin, yaitu hormon yang menyebabkan kita
mengantuk. Setelah menyantap ceri, mandilah menggunakan air panas
untuk melemaskan otot-otot tubuh. Kemudian, nyalakan aromaterapi
lavender. Harum bunga lavender akan membuat tidur kita semakin
nyenyak."Linda Pickwick

Sumber : Prevention Indonesia



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